

It’s been a time since the personal blog has seen any updates and lot has happened since. March of 2022 the idea of Fusionmetrics – revenue analytics and attribution for Shopify apps was born. I figured that the Shopify app … Read More

Working with JSON in MySQL using JSON_TABLE

JSON is undeniably king of portable data formats and almost all APIs will return it in some form. But on the database side things are less clear cut. According to DB-Engines noSQL databases don’t rank in top 4. Therefore chances … Read More

Facebook Ads, iOS Impact and what to do about it

Depending on the report 80–90% of users opted out of allowing Facebook to track them on iOS14.5 and onwards. Here is what this means for advertisers. What happened? Depending on the report 80–90% of users opted out of allowing Facebook … Read More

How to deploy Next.JS with Flask the easy way

Next.js and Flask are two popular web frameworks. While each of them can work on their own there are good reasons why you would like to combine them. I recently did on gym.realfeedback.app the best place to get feedback on … Read More

Increasing Ad targeting effectiveness: RFM Segmentation

At universities, marketing studies and engineering departments are usually quite far apart. The combination of the two however is what creates powerful tools which are at the heart of billion dollar advertising companies like Google and Facebook. This article gives … Read More

How to create a Mailchimp Signup-Form using Bootstrap

If you create a landing page using the Bootstrap CSS-Framework, chances are that you would like to give your visitors the chance to sign-up to your Mailchimp newsletter. This is what I wanted to do on realfeedback.app where people can … Read More

10 essential tips how I saved time (and money) developing my first Shopify App

Developing and running a my Shopify App Facebook Custom Audience Sync for approximatly a year next to a fulltime job has one key takeway which I knew I had to consider at every level: The most limited resource is time … Read More

Facebook Custom Audience Sync

The Shopify App just got even better Almost four month after launching Facebook Custom Audience Sync I am proud to roll out the first major update. It both streamlines the user experience and implements a new feature based on user … Read More

Custom python-graphene SQLAlchemy queries: Advanced use cases

I have been using the GraphQL server component python-graphene extensively over the last couple of month. While the available tutorials are easy to follow and cover some very generic use cases, it gives the impression, that Graphene is quite opinionated. … Read More

Embedding Bokeh into a ReactJS app using BokehJS

Bokeh is best known for interactive data exploration using Python. It is however also easily possible to embed your visualisation inside an ReactJS app. To do this we will first use a Python backend to create a JSON representation of … Read More